Auto Loan Refinance Promotion
Drive down your monthly payments
2% off auto loan refinancing
Your car payments shouldn’t drain your account. Refinance your auto loan from another lender with us to enjoy up to 2% off your current interest rate.
Don't wait, seize this amazing chance to reduce your monthly payments and save money in the process!
Get up to 2% off your current interest rate when you refinance with us!
*Promotion valid March 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024. APR = Annual Percentage Rate. The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the yearly rate of interest that includes fees and costs paid to acquire the loan. All loans subject to credit approval. Members cannot refinance an existing MMCU loan. Members must refinance at least $10,000 to be eligible for this promotion. Proof of current interest rate from another financial institution is required. Rate discount cannot exceed floor rates. This is not an offer to extend consumer credit as defined by Section 222.6 of Regulation Z. Rates and terms are subject to change. Federally insured by NCUA.